Friday, February 22, 2013

2/20-22/13 Art Project

This is the project I was working on this week. Critique went well, camera phone pic, so it's not very good. Colored pencils.

The hand is not how I wanted it and definitely not good, I was going to redraw it but I was out of time for the project so I just went with what I had. This piece is going to be in a student show over the summer.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

2/20/13 Old stuff

I have a project due tomorrow so I've been busy, so here's some old practice stuff.
Quick sketch I did for funsies.

Deadpool painting that I need to finish at some point.

A practice portrait with interesting lighting.

Monday, February 18, 2013

2/18/13 WIP

Worked on it a little bit, not much, I had a busy weekend, started a concept thing I might put up later.

Monday, February 11, 2013

2/11/13 Some Life Drawing

Just some life drawing stuff from last week because I haven't done anything yet today. Have class tonight so I'll put some stuff up after that.
Gestural drawings, 2 minutes each, charcoal.

Longer poses, I think a couple are 4 minutes and 2 are possibly 8 minutes? I gotta keep better track. Charcoal.
These were shorter poses, 2 minutes for the first and 4 for the last two. Charcoal.
8 minute poses, charcoal.

I love this model so much. Apparently he's posed for major comic book companies. What a cool dude.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

2/10/2013 Painting Update

I worked on that painting some more after I got a critique from a friend. It's still nothing special but I was having some fun with it.

These are some drawings from my life drawing class from the last few weeks.
These are 2-4 minute drawings, mostly 2, charcoal.

These are 8 minute drawings with charcoal. And super fun.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

2/9/13 Painting Work In Progress

A painting I've been working on today, very rough and still in progress. I liked the mood though.

Friday, February 8, 2013

2/8/13 Painting Practice

This is just a study of a mushroom that I've been working on today. It's still a WIP but it looks mushroom-like.

Just some art.

 Some Gesture drawings from Life Drawing class a few weeks ago. 30 seconds-1 minute. Charcoal.

These are some  more gesture drawings from Life Drawing class, probably around 1-2 minutes, but I shaded them after the set was done. An almost dead calligraphy pen and a sharpie.

 A portrait practice that I did over the winter break last year, charcoal.

Another portrait practice from winter break, charcoal as well.